Part 38: Interlude: We Have To Go Back Where
Team Wolfah is away! Sam should see results shortly. In the meantime:Because Agent Walker gave us the F-Space Manipulator, we can get to some parts of Main Street that we could not reach before! So let's go do that. We hop on the train and go, yet again, back to Main Street. Not too much has changed. Rhonda is still wandering around near the train station.

Luis has nothing new to say. Sam heads for the park and runs into Poppy along the way.

Sam briefly says hello to Dogwood and heads back into the forested part of the park, where Derek hangs out.

Derek is so consistantly a jerk that I kind of respect him for it. Anyway! If we head allllll the way to the back of the area, the camera swings around to show us a hidden area.

With a chest we could actually have gotten at any time, only I thought we needed the F-Space Manipulator to get it, because I am dumb and never actually walked back here to check.

This chest nets us a stove and, theoretically, a pizza oven! However, in one of the game's few really noticeable mistakes, instead of the wood-burning gear-driven pizza oven that we were supposed to get, we get a second stove with slightly different stats. Boooo.

Anyway. We saw this little junkyard in passing before, but if we come over here now: a fenergy vent!

Sam taps into the vent and rearranges the two tires and the trash can into a nice little stairway--

--which lets us get up into Derek's secret junkyard hideout! No, I have no idea how Derek gets up here. Maybe he moves all that stuff by hand every time.

Anyway, it's full of junk that Derek has scavenged.

And some treasures.

We can also step on this board here to enter a small platforming area.

Along the branch and back into this little hilly area.

And then up along a second branch, to... um.

Sam, we should go now.

Sam goes. In fact, he leaves the park altogether and runs to the opposite end of town, to Patrick's construction site.

And look at that.

Sam builds a staircase out of these crates, and now he can enter the actual construction site! Better put on a hardhat, Sam.

Or, you know, don't.

There are a lot of fenergy vents in here. Counting the one we used to get inside in the first place, we can currently reach four. No wonder someone wanted to build here: free energy! (No, that's not what 'fenergy' stands for.)

Anyway, what we need to do here is tap into the upper fenergy vent and move the crates up onto our level, building a staircase with them.

Then we try to use our new staircase to jump to that crate over there, and fall short, landing on our ass.

So, since we messed up our jump, we have to tap into the lower fenergy vent and move the crates back down here, so that we can jump back up to the upper level, so that we can rebuild the staircase up top, so that...

... well, let's just say I'm glad Sam made the jump the second time.

To open a crate with the F-Space Manipulator, Sam grabs it in a telekinetic claw and shakes the everliving shit out of it. It lacks the physicality of the crowbar, but it will do. This nets us a crate full of beds! We get an adorable pink bed for charismatic people and a spooky mausoleum bed for neckbeards.

That's all that we can grab at Main Street for now. There's another vent back here, but it's useless for now. Using it to set up these crates does allow Sam to jump over to that second level, but the giant sewer pipe that he would gladly balance-beam across is not in the proper place. And it won't be for a while yet.
Since we're here, let's check in with Patrick.

Ho ho ho. Sam gives that exactly the response it deserves: he turns around without a word, marches out of the construction site, and goes to say hi to Shirley at her salon instead.

Yeah, Sam! Geez, hold a grudge much? <

Sam gets a haircut while he's here and then we move on!

Sam can shake the fruit cart outside the salon with the F-Space Manipulator. The result?

Also a butterfly sculpture, a box of flowers, and a flower stand like Poppy's! HQ is going to be so purty.

Finally, if we head back over to the townhouse nearest the construction site and head back behind it...

The camera swings around to show us another hidden area with a chest in it (that I could technically have gotten at any time)! This chest nets us charismatic music and spooky alien paranormal music.